Ji Ji Big Cheese

Monday, June 28, 2010

19/6/2010 Sabah day 1

We've now arrived at the H.K airport! I'm so excited !!!!!!!!

Now,we're in the airplane,above the clouds and below the clouds.Isn't it nice?
This is my favorite drink,"gut zai bing"吉仔冰(I drank it every day in Sabah except for the last day)!!!!!
Mmmm.....,delicious!!(My first meal in Sabah)
This is 7-11 in Sabah or maybe Circle K!!

Friday, June 25, 2010

24/6/2010 Primary Awards day

Award for Academic Proficiency

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

12/06/2010 Lamma Island

Monday, June 14, 2010

29/5/2010 Ellse's birthday party

Here, I'm blowing Jessie's hair...................................

Else, looking strangely at her birthday cake.

Not everybody is looking at the camera!!!!!!!!!!!!


We're now in the restaurant, playing cooking mama.

We're all copying somebody(I forgot who)that is pretending to pick its nose.

Everybody in here is smiling or laughing.
pretending again
laughing very hard

Laghing super duper hard that maybe boogers would fly out of our noses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!